Basic Use: A Guide

Nina Petropoulos // 30 January 2016

If this is your first time using Jekyll, don't be scared! Installing and setting up this particular theme is very, very simple. I'll walk you through it.


For now, installation of this theme isn't available through the command line or package managers. Instead, use the Git Repo to grab what you need through a .zip file.

  1. Fork and Star the repo
  2. Download the .zip and save it to your directory
  3. Install Jekyll
  4. (Optional) Install Gulp - you certainly don't need it

Installing Jekyll

Open the terminal and enter the following command: gem install jekyll. Mac users may need to use sudo.

For a full Jekyll installation guide, reference the official Jekyll Docs.

Using Jekyll: Servers and Posts

Launching a Local Jekyll Server

Using the terminal navigate to your directory then enter the command: jekyll serve to start a local server. In your browser enter the local address that Jekyll gives you.

Making Posts

To make a new post, create a new .md file following this file structure within the _posts directory. Pay close attention to the head matter at the top of each post. If it's incorrect your Jekyll server will throw errors.


Change your primary and accent colors inside assets/css/1-base/_vars.sass by changing the $primary and $accent-color variables for site-wide changes.